Conditional Formatting?


Is conditional formatting available?

E.g. If Cell > 5 then Red background?



Hello Asher,

as far as I can see, setting row color (a color ribbon to label a whole row) according to customized conditions is already a feature under testing. It will be most probably available in the next major update, which is 1.3.0.


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OK, thank you very much for the response, I look forward to version 1.3.0 :slight_smile:

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Hello again

Do you know if row formatting according to customized conditions is now available? I’m sorry, we haven’t had time to test the new features in latest releases.

Is there a link to summarise new features in the latest releases?



Hi, row conditional formatting is available since 1.3.0. Take a look at the Changelog for SeaTable 1.3. In the changelog you can even see what’s new in 1.4 and 1.5. The docker image has been updated to 1.5 last week. Enjoy!

Thank you very much :slight_smile:

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