Is this automation possible?

In our mentoring Process table we have a single-select column titled the “Status”.

The options include among others:
Mentor Assigned
Mentor contact established
Grant given
Grant refused

I would love it if when the status is changed to Mentor contact established, the date is recorded in another column “date of contact” automatically. And when the status is then updated to Grant given/refused for the date of that to be recorded in another column “date of decision”. And so on.

So basically, whenever the Status is updated the relevant date be automatically saved in the relevant column.

Is this possible to implement?

Hey WET,

yes, this is definitely possible. Here is how I did this.

In this table you can see the rows with the different status. The columns “date of contact” and “date of decision” are blocked and can only be changed by the automation.

Here is the automation I used

To implement this you have to update to SeaTable Enteprise to enable “automations”.

Best regards

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