For anyone on this same barcode journey-> there is a better way pitched in the Github examples. This uses no external API.
I have slightly adjusted the code, because there was one variable hardcoded on line 55.
import os
import time
import barcode
from barcode.writer import ImageWriter
from seatable_api import Base, context
The python script shows how to transfer a slice of text into a barcode image and save it into
the image column
api_token = context.api_token or "859ad340d9a2b11b067c11f43078992e14853af5"
server_url = context.server_url or ""
TEXT_COL = "YourColumnName" # column which is expected to be transferred into barcode
BARCODE_IMAGE_COL = "BarcodeImage"
TABLE_NAME = 'YourTableName'
BARCODE_TYPE = 'code128'
"module_width": 0.2, # width of single stripe of barcode, mm
"module_height": 15.0, # height of barcode, mm
"quiet_zone": 6.5, # padding size of first and last stripe to the image, mm
"font_size": 10, # font size of the text below the barcode,pt
"text_distance": 5.0, # distance between the text and the barcode, mm
CODE = barcode.get_barcode_class(BARCODE_TYPE)
base = Base(api_token, server_url)
def get_time_stamp():
return str(int(time.time()*100000))
for row in base.list_rows(TABLE_NAME):
# continue if the image is already shown up here
if row.get(BARCODE_IMAGE_COL):
row_id = row.get('_id')
msg = str(row.get(TEXT_COL))
# create a barcode object
code_img = CODE(msg, writer=ImageWriter())
save_name = "%s_%s" % (row_id, get_time_stamp())
# temporarily saved as an image
file_name ="/tmp/%s" % save_name, options=CUSTOM_OPTIONS)
# upload the barcode image to the base
info_dict = base.upload_local_file(file_name, name=None, file_type='image', replace=True)
img_url = info_dict.get('url')
row[BARCODE_IMAGE_COL] = [img_url]
base.update_row(TABLE_NAME, row_id, row)
# remove the image file which is saved temporarily
except Exception as error:
print("error occured during barcode generate", error)