Adding members to group via API / DB


I’m using self hosted Seatable v5 (both Enterprise and Community)

I am using API to create new users (after employment). After that, I want them to be added to few common groups (all of users).

Is there a way to add via API? I haven’t find any reference…
I found a table ccnet_db.GroupUser with simple structure. When I add members via UI, records added to this table. But if I inserted some records to the table - it cause 500 error with", line 95, in get
nickname = users_info.get(email)[1]
TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not subscriptable

I found API method

It works. So, there is no need to dive into database :slight_smile:
Thanks for the great product!

We strongly advise against database manipulations.

Please use this API call to add users to groups: Add Group Member

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