Hi rdb,
The endpoint api/v2.1/org/<org_id>/admin/groups/{group_id} is not working.
I’m using SeaTable Server, and all “/org/<org_id>” endpoints are not working.
“org_id = -1” is not working too.
I just checked the code. The API-request you are using does not allow to change the name of the group.
Your api-endpoint api/v2.1/admin/groups/{group_id}/ only offers the following two parameters:
Where does the confusion come from? You are using a self-hosted system without organizations/teams. Therefore, you can only use the API-calls (https://api.seatable.io) from the areas:
The API-request you are referring to is a TEAM ADMIN call and is not available on your system. In fact, the call you try to use is not part of the API reference yet, but I will add it in the following days.
Thank you Christoph.
But self-hosted user also needs TEAM ADMIN’s APIs, too.
SYSTEM ADMIN’s API does not have “Add/Update/Delete/… Group” but I have a lot of groups and 100+ users.
For all API-request from these three areas, you will an account-token. The permission level of the user credentials determines the permission of the account-token. Here are some examples:
a user with admin-permissions in SeaTable can execute all calls from System Admin and User. But the user is not allowed to execute calls from Team Admin.
a user with team admin permission in SeaTable can execute all calls from Team Admin and User.
a “normal” user can only execute requests from the section User.
https://cloud.seatable.io is a cloud solution therefore ever user belongs to a team and therefore every user can only be a user or a team admin. Only we (=SeaTable GmbH) have system admin accounts.
In your self-hosted system I assume that teams/organizations are not activated in dtable_web_settings.py. Consequently you will have no team admins. You will only have users and sys admins.
I hope this clarification makes it more clear.
How to differentiate these calls:
everytime you find an /api/v2.1/admin/… in the url, this call requires a System Admin.
everytime you find an /api/v2.1/org/{org_id}/… in the url, this call requires a Team Admin
all other calls can be used by everybody.
Group API calls
In my last answer I told you that there is no API call for a user to rename a group. I was wrong. I added multiple USER API calls to SeaTable API reference. Here is the call you are looking for:
This means a Group Admin or the Owner of a group can rename the group.
Also, there is an SYSTEM ADMIN API call to update a group, but this call does not support to “rename a group”. A System Admin can only transfer a base to another user: Transfer Group