i created a app to my database, and make a page to search but when i search this show like in database there is way to make a search and see the result in the page a created in the plugin?
Unfortunately, I don’t understand your question.
in the app when a make a search they apear like the data base
in i like the seacrh apear like in the page a created in the plugin
I am still not sure I understand. (You could write the question in your mother tongue and then have it automatically translated.)
Here just two general comments:
A.) The query results are always in table format. At least for now.
B.) with SeaTable 5.0, we’ll introduce a new page type: single record. This page type may be the one that suits your need.
obrigado pela resposta.
A questĂŁo era mesmo essa, visualizar os resultados de outra forma sem ser na tabela pois muitas colunas nĂŁo estĂŁo prenchidas e o nome dado a coluna tambem esta curto.
Yes, I think you will like the new page type “single record”.
But one more thing: You mention that many columns are not filled in. Are you aware that you can select the columns to display in the query results? In other words, just exclude the irrelevant columns from the query results. This may also make the output more useful for you.
sim sei mas o problema e que tenho um colega que prenche o formulario e prenche e fica uma colunas vazias, vem outro colega que ja prenche o formulario de outra maneira, por isso e que queria mostra dessa forma pois sabiamos o que estava respondido.
If you have a problem with data integrity, because colleague 1 feels like completing the form like this and colleague 2 fills in the form like that, then
a.) make fields “required fields” in the form and/or
b.) use single/multipe select fields instead of text fields.
sim eu usei esse metodos mas aquilo são questões se pode responder ou não, mas no fim podemos compilar os dados num unico e isso eu depois consigo fazer na base de dados ali era meso so para depois eles poderem ver o que responderam.
Got it.
In summary, please wait for SeaTable 5.0. I am sure you’ll like the new features that the app builder willl introduce and maybe the single record page is exactly what you need.
isto e um trabalho para a escola para projeto de licenciatura e tenho mais 1 mes para concluir o projeto.
o 5.0 vai ser lancado antes?
Sorry. No. SeaTable 5.0 won’t be releaesed for the end of June.
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