Auto-deactivation of users at an expiration date

Hi all, just wondering if it is possible to schedule an auto-deactivation of users / set an expiration date for user access. For example, a guest user who has a short-term role for 90 days. Running Seatable EE 5.1.9. Any advice appreciated.

There is no native support for your request.

But until SeaTable offers that, you can build your own user management base. Create a base with username and their expiration dates. Then add an automation checking for users whose “time is up”. The automation runs a script that disables the user. Drawback of this solution: You must handle system admin credentials somehow.

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Yes, i was thinking this might be the case. I hope that Seatable can include such a feature in the future.

Besides a python script, you could also use for such a process. There is a seatable sys-admin community node available for n8n. The process is simple:

  • list all uses
  • get only users with a specific role and a creation date before now minus x days
  • then deactivate or delete these accounts

Just try it out. You will only need some minutes to build such a workflow.

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