Automatic create company e-mail from "first_name" and "last_name"

Here is my solution for creating a company email automatically from the existing last name field and the first name field (e.g. for address lists).

first_name: “John”
last _name: “Müller”

fx - formula column [with German umlauts]:
substitute(substitute(substitute(lower({first_name:} & “.” & {last _name} & “”), “ä” , “ae”), “ü”, “ue”), “ö”, “oe”)

email: “

Thanks for your contribution. I allowed myself to reformat your post minimally.

I think the “ß” is missing (for example like in “Waßmüller”) and you still will run in problems with non german names like André.

Thank You! Here ist a solution:
substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(lower({first_name} & "." & {last_name} & ""), "ä" ,"ae"), "ü", "ue"), "ö", "oe"), "ß", "ss"), "é", "e")


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