Created an Client Table based on the Master Table and hided 2 coumns in this view
Created an Share access for an user granting read only access for this user to table client
The client now can access the client table and only is able to view the none hidden columns.
When exporting the table in the client view also the headers of the hidden coulumns are showing up in the Excel sheet.
How can this be avioded as e.g. Margin coumn header should not show up?
A second question, how can it be denied for useres to be not able to create a new database?
Hi Daniel,
thank you for the Infos.
Is there a timeframe when the bug fix, Version 1.6 will be available?
The reason for this question is that we will need to take a decision which tool we will use for this application.
Yes, we would like to prevent team members and invited guests creating new databases if this is possible.