Birthday in Calendar?

Hello everyone. I haven’t been with SeaTable long and am currently working on the calendar. I’m wondering how to display birthdays in the calendar. How do I generate recurring appointments? Thank you for your help.


Hi @Loedi.

A simple way could be to create a column with the original date of birth. You could then create a second column of type formula, concatenate the day and month with the current year and use that as the next birthday date.

Something like:
The original column: BD = 16.08.1999
The formula column: date(day({BD}), month({BD}), year(today())) = 16.08.2023 (should be)

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There is no option to mark an event as recurring in SeaTable. Sorry for that.

This is a simple and straightforward workaround.

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Thank you for your help. But the result is unfortunately not quite right. What am I doing wrong. Thanks again…

Hi Loedi,

I tested it as well and the resulting birth date is completely wrong as well.

Haha, nice. It’s the wrong way. It has to be date(year, month, day).

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Yup, that’s the one.

Fine and thanks, but the result is not correct. At least that’s the right direction…

Your code should be:
date(year(today()), month({Geburtsdatum}), day({Geburtsdatum}))

The year should be “today” as you want the current year. months and days are extracted from the Geburtsdatum column

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