Clarification on export cell limits for developer edition

Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone is able to clarify the cell limits when exporting for the developer edition. I am using version 2.7.0.

When exporting a view (Export view to Excel) I receive the following message “the number of cells in the exported view exceeds the limit”.

When exporting a table (Export table to Excel) I receive the following message “the number of cells in the exported table exceeds the limit”.

The warning message indicates “cells”, so I wonder if this is based on the number of combined rows and columns?

It is “rows * columns”. The limit is 1 million. 1 million cells need about 300MB memory to export to Excel.

So if you have 10 million cells, without the limit, it would consume 3GB memory and likely cause the server program to be killed by operating system.

Thanks Daniel. Great to know and makes sense.

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