code python connection to table what is the propre code?

here is my python code to reach table that does not work I have the
def read_records(self, filters=None):
url = f"{self.base_url}/api/v2.1/dtables/{self.api_token}/rows/?table_name={self.table_name}"
if filters:
url += “&query=” + str(filters)
response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers)
return response.json()

goint with those param


TABLE_NAME = “mot”
I got 404 error. When I try with postman I reach the server but what I get is not a json file

the url send is this

Two requests:
a.) A topic with a good/easy description is much more likely to get a response than one that is incomprehensible. I tend to say that yours is rather difficult to understand.
b.) You posted an API token in your post. Do NOT do that. (I removed the token from your post.)