ERROR 1054 (42S22) at line 68: Unknown column 'token' in 'dtable_external_apps'


After running the schema update we got this error:

root@74fa9a0e37bc:/opt/seatable# mysql -h$DB_HOST -p$DB_ROOT_PASSWD dtable_db </opt/seatable/seatable-server-latest/sql/mysql/upgrade/4.3/dtable.sql

mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

ERROR 1054 (42S22) at line 68: Unknown column 'token' in 'dtable_external_apps'

Upgrade from 4.2.11 to 4.3.8.

But seatable works OK, we don’t see any issues.

You probably forgot running an update script in the past.

The error message is precise: the column ‘token’ is missing in table ‘dtable_external_apps’.

Check the update scripts of prior versions for the relevant

ALTER TABLE dtable_external_apps ADD token

Query. Run the SQL statement manually.

The solution is simpler. With version 4.3 you don’t have to run database update scripts anymore:

This error occurs, because you execute it again and it tries to rename a column that does not exist anymore.

# this is the request that can not be executed twice...
ALTER TABLE `dtable_external_apps` RENAME COLUMN `token` to `app_uuid`;

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