we build a daily running script that gets data from another side and puts it into our base. Everything is working smoothly, but we (for us randomly) get the “429, to many request” errors. I read the most threads here in the Forum regarding this error, and also the “limit” pages including the tipps on how decrease the number of requests. But I am unable to understand the part " The new /api-gateway endpoints return the current API rate limit usage through x-ratelimit headers."
Can someone provide me with an examplary code on how to use this? Me and my colleague are fairly new to APIs, we tried some stuff but none of it worked …
Hi @TimK ,
As far as I understand the quoted paragraph in the Limits page of the api documentation, there is no specific api call to get the limits, but each api call made through api-gateway (so with an URL looking like https://your server url/api-gateway/api/v2/something depending of what you are trying to do) should contains, in the response headers, x-ratelimit-limit, x-ratelimit-remaining and x-ratelimit-reset.
Strange thing is that when I try a List Rows to confirm that, I couldn’t find this data, so maybe I misunderstood something too.
Sorry for the late reply. I can confirm that currently with 5.0.8, the x-ratelimits are not returned. The rate limits apply, but the headers are not returned.
This will be fixed with 5.1.x.
Best regards