I want to list all groups via an API call and used the example at Introduction.
I replaced the token in the example with my individual Auth-Token but got a “you do not have the permission” error. What is wrong?
curl \
--location \
--request GET 'https://cloud.seatable.io/api/v2.1/org/1/admin/groups/?page=1&per_page=25' \
--header 'Authorization: Token <my individual Auth-Token>'
{"detail":"You do not have permission to perform this action."}
The Auth-Token itselfe is working. For example, I can perform a
I was also wondering what this org-id was all about and searched for an org_id in seatable.io via the Web-Frontend - with no success. And I do not find anything about how to retreive the org_id in the API-Reference.
In the description (see screenshot below) it just sais “org_id 1”. No further explanation and no reference to the apropiate topic.
I seached the API-Reference again and I now found a way to retreive the org_id: Get Team Info.
Because the org_id is necessary and mandotory for all group operations I recommend to put this to the top of the Group-Section. I cannot do anything with groups without to know my org_id. In all topics where the org_id is needet a reference to the “Get Team Info” topic including a link would be helpful.
Did you see that I posted this API call in my response?
If you mean me: No The reference brings me to “List Bases in a Group”. I tried it a couple of times. I check it now again and when I compare the anchors I can see they are different. Putting the curser in the address field and hitting enter brings me to the right API-Call: “Get Team Info”.
Some strange behavior of my browser (Firefox). ¯\(ツ)/¯