Field not showing when using condition with field number in

I have an app webform with different fields, some of them with “show field conditions”.
Everything went good until I tried to add a condition depending on a number field. In this case, my field does’nt appear.

Some exemples :

Case 1: using a multiple selection fiels, condition is working

Case 2: using a number field, condition is not working

I tried with different conditions (“=0”, “>5”, “is empty”, etc.), and I have the same behaviour.

Any idea where the problem could be ?
Thanks for your help

Please try with a value <> 0. Try value 1. Does the problem persist?

Yes problem persists with “Field1 = 1”

With the value <>0, my field is displayed when I open the page, whatever Field1 is empty, 0 or something else by default.
And it doesn’t disappear if I change its value.

Could you send an invite link for this base to We’d like to take a look.

Yes sure, I’m sending an invite link right now.
Let me know if I can do anything to help

The root cause is the column format of the evaluated field. When the format is set to €/$/… the evaluation always returns False.

The quick fix: Set the column format to just “Number”.

We’ll fix this. In fact, it is going to be fixed in SeaTable 5.2 scheduled for release mid-month.

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