"Formula" fields in the statistics

Hello :slight_smile:

Your Setup:

  • SeaTable: Self-hosted
  • SeaTable Version: SeaTable Enterprise 5.0.8

Describe the Problem/Error/Question:

Since the last update, I’ve encountered an issue with creating charts using the statistics in my personal budget application. Previously, it was possible to enter formulas in the “Completed Fields,” and this functionality was working fine in the previous version of SeaTable. However, in the latest update, these formulas no longer appear, resulting in a non-functional progress chart.


My table:

My statistics:

Error Messages:

[No error messages are showing in the browser console.]

Merci par avance

You are on SeaTable Enterprise I guess. (There is no Pro )

Please update to SeaTable 5.0.8. this was an issue in 5.0.7.

Indeed, I am on SeaTable Enterprise.
I am already on SeaTable version 5.0.8.

I confirm the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience!

No problem :slight_smile: I’ll wait for the next version ^^

The problem will be fixed in the next release.

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