GPT on SeaTable?

Hi folks :wave:

Does any one has tried to connect GPT to SeaTable ?

You succeed your experiment @perbinder ?

I know there’s extension on Google sheet, a first API connexion would be a great sand box to explore usage !

Cheers :pray:

What difficulties do you have?

I think it quite easy to call GPT RestAPI in a Python script.

I’m just investigating, and great to discover it’s feasible :star_struck: I’m not a developper, but I cleary should level up on python & API.

If someone has some sharable usecase, it would much appreciated :smiley:

The python package openai (GitHub - openai/openai-python: The official Python library for the OpenAI API) is already installed to the python-runner image.

There is already a chatgpt service that can write python scripts for you. Read more here:

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