Horizontal scroll doesn't work

Hey everyone,

We’re facing a bug with Seatable: horizontal scrolling isn’t working, across different browsers and user in one table, but it works in the other ones. Any ideas on how to fix this?


Please share with us:

  • Do you use SeaTable Cloud or your own SeaTable Server
  • Where is horizontal scrolling impaired? In only one table?
  • Can you send a screenshot of your browser console?
  • we are using the SeaTable Cloud
  • yes only in one, the others are fine

@Leo.Shi Could you take a look?

Any ideas how to solve it? We can’t really work like this…

Hello, if you have set up many frozen columns? If many frozen columns are set on a large-sized screen, and all columns are frozen on a small-sized screen, it looks like horizontal scrolling is ineffective.

And is it convenient to take a screenshot, including the image of the table interface?


Actually it was really as easy and the frozen boarder somehow was too right all of a sudden. Thanks!

My personal response of the month !

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