How to create a question sequence where follow-up questions depend on the previous response

Hi, I am new to SeaTable and trying to create a ‘previous response dependent question sequence’. The scenario below is what I am trying to achieve.

  1. Q1 is a Yes/No question.
  2. If response to Q1 is “Yes”, then activate Q2, otherwise skip Q2
  3. Q2 has 4 options and based on the selected option, a different set of questions are to be activated.

I have all the questions and the choices already created however I do not know how to create the dependencies. Is this achievable on SeaTable and how can it be done?

Thank you!

This can be done in a webformular

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Hi Ola58 and welcome to the SeaTable Forum.

If you use a form, you can store conditions with which you can map your use case. You can find this option in the field settings:

You can find all further information about the web form here: Web forms - SeaTable

A form can of course also be displayed via the Universal App: Page types in the Universal App - SeaTable

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Hi fsa, thank you for your response, I need further clarification as I am totally new to SeaTable. How can the webform be linked to an existing database in order to achieve this based on the scenario below?

There is a database with tables for Variables, Questions, and Response. Within a variable, there are fields for ‘Questions’ and in each question are field for ‘Response’.

Let us say there are 10 questions in Variable A, however a maximum of 4 questions are to be activated based on the combination of responses, how can the Webform be used to achieve this?

Thanks however could you provide more clarification on how it could be done. My objective is to utilize this based on the scenario below.

There is a database with tables for Variables, Questions, and Response. Within a variable, there are fields for ‘Questions’ and in each question are field for ‘Response’.

Let us say there are 10 questions in Variable A, however a maximum of 4 questions are to be activated based on the combination of responses, how can the Webform be used to achieve this?

When you are in a base, you can find “Apps” or “Formulars” on the top of the page.

Apps also include webformulars. As soon as you are in a webformular you can add the columns from your base to be filled in the webformular. In the webformular, you can also say to use one column only if another column meets a specific criteria.

You are strongly encouraged to take a look in the manual: Bedingte Anzeige von einzelnen Formularfeldern - SeaTable

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