How to reach table

I do not understand how get the data inside table. what generated link I should used to get the data table so I can json serialized and deserialized. Up to now I can get response on a webform link and I get the full HTML page.

I work with c# so I do something like this

var client = new RestClient(“”);

        var request = new RestRequest("",Method.Get);
        request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json; charset=utf-8; indent=4");
        request.AddHeader("name", "mot");
        RestResponse response = new RestResponse();
          response = client.Execute(request);

Hey charles,

where did you get the link from? Did you check the manual and the API-documentation, or did you just guesses the link?

If I look at your request, I don’t see any kind of authorization token. Without an authorization, you will never get any data.

yes I have the token I just withdraw it and forget to write “my_Token”

var client = new RestClient(“”);

        var request = new RestRequest("",Method.Get);
        request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json; charset=utf-8; indent=4");
        request.AddHeader("name", "mot");
        RestResponse response = new RestResponse();
        response = client.Execute(request);
        var content = response.Content;
        Items = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<Mot>>(content);

Sorry, your question and your answer is not concrete and complete. In this way I can not help you.

I don’t know how be more specific. I am lost so it is not that easy.
So the question is how to get the data from the table . Let say we have a table name “person”. then I want get the data via API (C#) .
where do I get the link correct link?

Hey charles,
please read a tutorial or two on how to use APIs in general. Then you will find all the information you need on

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