How to remove dummy data in templates

Hello everyone,

could you give info how to remove dummy data in the new template to use them?

You can select all rows in a table by clicking the box left to the first column’s name.

It removes the row but doesn’t remove the content. It’s a major issue when using the yearly calendar…

Aren’t the rows the content of the database? I don’t understand.

No, the rows are the full structure of a line.

So basically, it removes everything…

I don’t understand. Someone else?

Hi @AXN ,
As @rdb , I’m struggling to understand your problem. Can you provide the exact name of the template that causes the problem, or even better its URL to have a closer look ?


Everyone of them that I selected… :smiley:

Problem #1:

Please tell me how to erase data inside a line, aka a row, without deleting the line?
If I clic on the box, left of the row: it has the option to only delete the row but not remove all data in the row as template dummy data…

Problem #2:

How do we undo/rewind a data entry or deleted action?

Problem #3:

Lots of the tutorial was only in German & had to manually add /en/ but even some had already it but was in German.

I really like the potential of this product as it is game changer as I would lose time to write this. :slight_smile:

Hi again @AXN ,

Problem #1: you can click in the first column of your line, drop to the last column (or SHIFT + right arrow) and then DEL as in Excel for example
Problem #2: you can use CTRL+Z
Problem #3: Not sure if it’s the same problem, but looking at this post, trying again in a few days might eventually do the trick


You can also highlight all cells and then press “Delete”. Done.

But allow me this question: Why do you want to keep empty rows?

Adding to what @bennhatton said, SeaTable logs all modifications in a base. In this log, you can undo most changes.

We’ll modify our website quite a bit in the second half of the year. We realize that the auto-translation part does not work as smoothly as it should.

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