Introducing Our Latest Innovation: The n8n Node Tailored for Sys-Admins

Hello everyone,

As you may be aware, we’ve recently created a robust n8n node for seamless interactions with our database. Building upon this success, we’re excited to announce the inception of our second n8n node, dedicated to automating sysadmin tasks.

We’ve already begun leveraging this node internally, employing it to streamline processes such as creating accounts in our ticketing system when customers upgrade to a paid subscription.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this new node will enhance efficiency across our operations.
The initial version can be found here and can be installed like any other community node.

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  1. Enter n8n-nodes-neutrino in Enter npm package name.

Copy-and-paste error?

Thanks for this hint. The typo will be fixed with the next version I publish. (probably in the next days)

… it would be really cool if anybody on the forum could share what kind of sysadmin tasks they automate using this new package. Because, at this point, I do not realize what superpowers it can potentially unlock for a small (5-10 user) self-hosted instance :person_shrugging: I assume it is mainly beneficial to those who set up Seatable at enterprise scale and multiple teams, right?

Anyway, this is exciting and I am very grateful that I initially discovered n8n thanks to this very Seatable forum a couple years ago. Great tool indeed and it is great to see how the relationship between Seatable and n8n develops.

We use this n8n node for multiple purposes:

  • deactivate teams/users which did not log in for a longer time.
  • create teams/users in our ticket system if the upgrade to plus/enterprise
  • check licence expiration and if the licence limit is almost reached
  • get the number of active users per day
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By the way, I added a lot of new endpoints to the node and published a new version.

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I published a new version 1.2.1 that contain all endpoints I would like to add.
In the next days I will introduce here a workflow to back up some or all bases and store them to an external storage with the help of this sys-admin node. Stay tuned.

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