Is there a limit on the number of files that can be uploaded?

SeaTable Cloud Enterprise

Hi, I am uploading files via to a column in a table. I did a test, which uploaded 16 images. However, when I checked, only 11 were there.

  • Each of the images has a maximum of 30 kb, so, less than 500 kb in total.

  • The module showed that all 16 images were uploaded.

  • All 16 images are present in the files folder for January in File Management. I can also add them manually from the files folder and they display.

  • I noticed that, of the 16 files uploaded, the ones that are not displayed are the first 5 files that are uploaded.

  • If I upload 11 or fewer files via Make, all images are displayed

What could be causing this display issue? Is there a limit on the number of files shown, and, if so, what can I do about it?

@cdb Can you reproduce this issue?

Hi Christoph,

Yes, I can. I have done a video showing the process.
In this particular case, 12 images were uploaded. All of them are in the files folder for January. Only 11 appear in the column. The file not displayed is the first one of the batch of 12 that was uploaded.


For me, it looks like the row is not updated correctly, which means I did a mistake in the integration.

I will have a look at this.

Thanks Christoph, I really appreciate your help!