Is "Update data from csv/xlsx" broken?

I use SeaTable cloud and have a manual workflow that looks like this:

  1. I export all our users from Pendo as a csv with 4 fields (user id, last seen, time on app, number of events) and about 500 rows
  2. I import the csv to a table in Seatable using the option “Updata data from csv/xlsx”
  3. Seatable shows all available columns, and I select “user id” as field to use for matching
  4. After the table is done updating, I run a script that does some magic, using the updated values I just imported

I do this on a bi-weekly basis as part of a customer success-initiative but today when I was going to do it, it didn’t work as expected. In step 3 described above, I only get presented with “user id” as available columns. Nothing has changed to the csv-format and all information is in there when I check manually. I’ve also tried reformatting it into a xlsx with proper columns but I still only get one column that is visible.

It seems to me as if the import is broken. Has anyone a workaround for this?

Can you check if there are any error prompts in the browser and if network access is normal during the import process?
Can you also provide the file with the error? Is importing other CSV files normal?

Hi, thanks for the response. I’ve been digging into the issue a but more and managed to find a Pendo-csv from last year and that one worked. I can’t tell a difference between the new and old csv-exports but I guess Pendo has managed to mess it up in some spectacular fashion. I will investigate more on their end of the workflow. Happy new year!

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