Issue bug?) with filters and/or

I use cloud enterprise.

On a view, I have 2 filters (first filter plus an “or” filter for the second). I wanted to add an “and” filter. But, because the previous filter was an “or” filter, when I clicked the “add filter” button to add, it only gave me the option to add an “or” filter. When I changed the position of my filters around, so the new third filter was the second filter, I was able to change the filter type to “and” but it also immediately changed the third filter to “and”.

Current state:
Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-27 um 11.20.10

Added new filter:
Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-27 um 11.20.52

Changed position of filters around
Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-27 um 11.22.30

What I want to achieve is I want to have a view that shows current/pending/non-time-dependent courses that have not been cancelled in advance. My settings are: The “start” is on or after today or the “Kurs” contains “(Zertifizierung)” and the column “Status” is not “cancelled”. The third filter should apply to the previous two.

Complex filters - combining And and Or - are currently not supported.

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