Issues with moving rows between linked record groups

I have a table (“Mock Exam Questions”) that is grouped by a column that has links to another table (“Mock Exams”):

Screenshot from 2023-01-10 10-18-08

When I use the API to get the linked records from the linked “Mock Exams” table, everything looks as expected:

In [39]: from seatable_api import Base
    ...: seatable_api_key = "<obfuscated>"
    ...: table_name = "Mock Exams"
    ...: link_column_name = "Questions"
    ...: base = Base(seatable_api_key, "")
    ...: base.auth()
    ...: table = next(t for t in base.get_metadata()["tables"]
    ...:              if t["name"] == "Mock Exams")
    ...: table_id = table["_id"]
    ...: link_column_key = next(c for c in table["columns"]
    ...:                        if c["name"] == link_column_name)["key"]
    ...: exam1, exam2 = base.list_rows(table_name)
    ...: base.get_linked_records(table_id, link_column_key, [{"row_id": exam1["_id"]}])
{'M2YwSE8sSoery3RJPIaSaQ': [{'row_id': 'ARF3RMtGRM-Sc-qGPQwHag',
   'display_value': 'test 1'},
  {'row_id': 'WAfxXBsjRUmb6KwRA9bHDw', 'display_value': 'test 2'},
  {'row_id': 'Hb4K8NYSQ--6XIc_SX5dPg', 'display_value': 'test 3'},
  {'row_id': 'FupUX9dPSEWbKeiWpJ2uvg', 'display_value': 'test 4'}]}

In [40]: base.get_linked_records(table_id, link_column_key, [{"row_id": exam2["_id"]}])
{'a7mW2vHtTzqMZpJKT9RBGA': [{'row_id': 'Am25fDEWR76jJObqGXCSbA',
   'display_value': 'test 5'}]}

When I now use the GUI to drag rows from the “Mock Exam 1” group to the “Mock Exam 2” group, the link in the “Mock Exam” column gets updated accordingly:

Screenshot from 2023-01-10 10-22-10

However, the results of base.get_linked_records have not changed:

In [41]: base.get_linked_records(table_id, link_column_key, [{"row_id": exam1["_id"]}])
{'M2YwSE8sSoery3RJPIaSaQ': [{'row_id': 'ARF3RMtGRM-Sc-qGPQwHag',
   'display_value': 'test 1'},
  {'row_id': 'WAfxXBsjRUmb6KwRA9bHDw', 'display_value': 'test 2'},
  {'row_id': 'Hb4K8NYSQ--6XIc_SX5dPg', 'display_value': 'test 3'},
  {'row_id': 'FupUX9dPSEWbKeiWpJ2uvg', 'display_value': 'test 4'}]}

In [42]: base.get_linked_records(table_id, link_column_key, [{"row_id": exam2["_id"]}])
{'a7mW2vHtTzqMZpJKT9RBGA': [{'row_id': 'Am25fDEWR76jJObqGXCSbA',
   'display_value': 'test 5'}]}

This look like a bug?

Side note: when I tried to move rows using the GUI after typing this up to check one more time, the browser window turned completely blank as soon as I started moving the mouse, and this problem persisted even after refreshing.

We will check the issue. But let me ask a question first: what SeaTable version do you use now?

Thanks! I’m using Seatable Cloud, so whichever the latest stable SeaTable version is.

We fixed the issue in SeaTable 3.4.

Could you retest if the problem still persists on your side?

If the issue is a thing of the past, can you please mark as solved?

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