Kanban board does not work on views filtered on formula column?

Just a quick question to verify this unexpected feature:

When I use the Kanban board plugin and select a view as a basis that is being filtered by any formula field, the Kanban board displays no cards at all. Am I doing or expecting something wrong?

I tried it with formula columns that return a calculated date, a number or a string. To put emphasis on this: It’s not about using or displaying those columns in the board. I create a view, filtered by one of those columns, and then try to base a board on this view => Nothing

Can anyone verify?


Just to be sure, do you use a column in the Kanban settings under “Group by”, e.g. “Status” to enable grouping? Here you can find a help article for the Kanban plugin.

In my test I could create a view in the table, filtered by a formula field and use this view also in the plugin.

Hi, yes, I do! Thanks for checking!

That makes it even weirder - when I just made a simple test from scratch, it worked as intended. And still, my real life example doesn’t show anything, despite that fact that the view works normally.

I’ll make some more tests to find out where I (or the system) took a wrong turn.


Could you please send me screenshots of the issue?

And thank you for countinuing testing!

Hi again! I was able to track it down to the complexity of the formula that my real life example uses.

  if(   or( {OK}="BL",{OK}="FU",{OK}="WV",{OK}="IP",{OK}="NEW",

Based on a single select’s state {OK}, a checkbox {Pin}, a date column with the creation time {Created} and a manual date column to overwrite this when filled {Manuell}, it creates a date.

Don’t be fooled by the complexity, I broke it down to:

if(   or( {OK}="BL",{OK}="FU",{OK}="WV",{OK}="IP",{OK}="NEW",

So it always shows today’s date.

The view looks like this. I filtered it by the “Date” formula column, which always contains today’s date. The Filter condition is “Date = today”, so my test simply shows all records with “OK”:



But the resulting Kanban Board is this

I hope you’ll find the failure in my thinking or expectations. To me, it looks as if the nested condition in the “if” statement makes the Kanban board stumble. One hint I found just now: It works if I reduce the formula to:

if(   or( {OK}="BL",{OK}="FU",{OK}="WV",{OK}="IP",{OK}="NEW"

Weird formatting intended, just to show that formatting is not the problem.

Thank you very much for the excellent presentation of the problem.

As you say, I also assume that it is due to the nested condition in the “if” statement.

We will do some more testing on this and get back to you!

Please excuse the late response.

I tried to nail down the Issue. It only occurs if:

  • kanban uses a view
  • the view has a filter using a formula-column
  • this formula column contains the function and(…)/or(…) and isempty().


This is an exceptional issue. We will clarify this with the developers. By-the-way, this is working


and this is not working


A suggested solution to the problem would be to put the or query in a separate column and check for it.

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