Linked field from filter viewed not updating when date expiration is reached

Linked field from filter viewed not updating when date expiration is reached:
Summarized issue on this screenshot

Can the link field from restricted view be updated if filterview is changing ?

Possible workaround :
When using formulas-Link and when using counterlinks, then we can use a condition that is nice.
But I need this for simple look-up type of field → Is it possible ?

The “restriction to a view” is for the purpose of reducing candidates when you select rows for linking. For already linked rows, it has no effect.

What about the condition filter to lookup calculated field (as per counterlinks) ?

This feature is not available yet. In the future, we may add such a feature depends on how many people need such a feature.

Ok understood

I’m looking fro a workaround with script + button

Do you know why I’m having the issue below :

Sorry done with lookup + concatenation + conditions
Thanks Seatable is a great tools

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