Hi, I have a table Companies and would like to somehow mark that companies 1,2,3 received email s A, B, companies 4,5 emails A, C, D.
I tried to solve this by making another table with email campaigns A, B , C, D and making a linked column, but it doesnt work OK, because if I mark companies with copy/ paste that received email campaign A, the next time that I would like to add to them that they received also Email B, I cannot just copy/paste, because it overrides mark Email campaign A. The only way it would be to click every company to make additional link, which is not a way as there are >2.000 companies.
Hi @ivan07,
I don’t know how much you simplified your use case to explain it to us, but if you actually have only few campaigns, maybe the better solution is to create on checkbox column for each campaign. Doing so, you’ll be able to copy/paste the check without loosing a previous check. You can even imagine a summarizing column with the following formula (assuming that the checkbox column for email campaign A is named A, etc.): if({A},"A") & if(and({A},or({B},{C},{D})),", ") & if({B},"B") & if(and({B},or({C},{D})),", ") & if({C},"C") & if(and({C},{D}),", ") & if({D},"D")
Hi, actually I have around 30.000 companies, and there are up to 8 different email campaigns each month, for different selections of companies and I am afraid that the solution with checkbox column for each campaign wont work.
Ok, giving that, another solution that could eventually work is the following:
Keeping your structure with a companies table and a campaign table (much more preferable in my humble opinion)
Creating, in your companies table, a single checkbox column, called for example Selected
Creating one or several scripts (either one for each campaign or one single script with a similar Selected checkbox column in your campaigns table) that will, when launched, update the linked campaigns list for every selected company. Doing it by script will allow you to ensure you didn’t erase any previous data.
Reading again what you said in your first message leads me to a simple question: isn’t it possible for you to add the link to B campaign only for the first company that did receive the B email in addition to the A it already received previously, and then copy/paste the cell containing both A and B links for all the other companies that also received email B ?
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