Maximum 200 users in developer edition in version 5.0.0

Hi, I am considering using seatable developer edition for an in-house solution. I’ve read in the docs and on the forum that there is no limit on user accounts in developer edition. However, i can’t create more than 200 users, and there is a counter of users account with that particular max number in admin panel.
Can someone please clarify if there is indeed a limit of user accounts or is it some setting or env variable that needs to be changed.

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I am not aware of such a limitation of the developer edition. I will clarify this.

Let me ask this:

  • you’re using SeaTable free of charge in your company?
  • you already created 200 users?
  • now you’re complaining, that 200 is not enough?

Consider upgrading to SeaTable Enterprise to show your appreciation for the developers’ incredible work and to help ensure the software’s long-term maintenance and development.