Migrate to SeaTable Enterprise Edition with higher version

Hi SeaTable Team,

we are using SeaTable Developer Edition with the version 2.0.0. But we want to move to another server and there we will use SeaTable Enterprise Edition. Is it possible if we use SeaTable Enterprise Edition version 2.3 directly on the new server and just import the exported base and user list from the old SeaTable Developer Edition version 2.0? Or should we set up SeaTable DE 2.0 on the new server, import the base, then migrate to EE 2.3 and upgrade databases?

I am looking forward for your answers.

You find the responses to your questions in the SeaTable Manual: https://manual.seatable.io


Even more specifically:

Please do that!

All right. So I also thought but would like to know if the other short way can work. Thank you so much for the answer.

I’ve tried to upgrade SeaTable EE from 2.0 to 2.3. I did the following steps:

  1. pull SeaTable EE 2.3.5
  2. Modify SeaTable version in “docker-compose.yml”
  3. Stop the currently running SeaTable container with docker-compose down
  4. docker-compose up -d
  5. Upgrade databases:
    I’m now in the seatable-mysql container.

5.1. The following step leads to the error "“ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 22: Duplicate column name ‘group_id’”.

mysql -h$DB_HOST -p$DB_ROOT_PASSWD dtable_db </opt/seatable/seatable-server-latest/sql/mysql/upgrade/2.0/dtable.sql

I did it because of the example of upgrade from 1.1.x to 1.2.x here: https://manual.seatable.io/upgrade/upgrade_manual/#major-or-minor-version-upgrade

# from your document
mysql -h$DB_HOST -p$DB_ROOT_PASSWD dtable_db </opt/seatable/seatable-server-latest/sql/mysql/upgrade/1.1/dtable.sql
mysql -h$DB_HOST -p$DB_ROOT_PASSWD dtable_db </opt/seatable/seatable-server-latest/sql/mysql/upgrade/1.2/dtable.sql

Could it be that the first step is not necessary?

5.2. Then I upgrade the other database versions one by one:

# mysql -h$DB_HOST -p$DB_ROOT_PASSWD dtable_db </opt/seatable/seatable-server-latest/sql/mysql/upgrade/2.1/dtable.sql
mysql -h$DB_HOST -p$DB_ROOT_PASSWD dtable_db </opt/seatable/seatable-server-latest/sql/mysql/upgrade/2.2/dtable.sql
mysql -h$DB_HOST -p$DB_ROOT_PASSWD dtable_db </opt/seatable/seatable-server-latest/sql/mysql/upgrade/2.3/dtable.sql
  1. Start SeaTable server
docker exec -d seatable /shared/seatable/scripts/seatable.sh start
  1. Extra upgrade notice for 2.3: Extra Upgrade Notices - SeaTable Admin Manual
    In the first step I can’t find the dtable-db.conf:

So, my question is: Do I have to upgrade SeaTable EE one by one: in 2.1, in 2.2 and then in 2.3? I can not find any notices about it (just by upgrade the databases).

@rdb Could you explain it to me please?
Thank you very much in advance.

Or should I add the file dtable_db.conf manually according to the notice of 2.1?

When I do the step of the notice 2.1, it works. So is my way correct, isn’t it?

When upgrading from 2.0 to 2.3, you need to run 3 update scripts: 2.0 → 2.1, 2.1 → 2.2, and 2.2 → 2.3

The manual describes just that. It states explicitly: “If you upgrade several versions at once, just run all the database upgrade statement one by one, starting from the lowest version.”


Again, the manual is very specific: “For upgrade from 2.0, you need to add the config file manually.”

All right. Thank you @rdb for the clarification.

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