N8n automation to backup your SeaTable Bases

Hey everyone,

Inspired by a customer, I’ve built a new n8n automation. Its purpose is to run every night, check for updated bases, and save the dtable files to an external storage. This might provide double protection:

Important: This automation requires the community node SeaAdmin and a system administrator account. Therefore, this workflow is only suitable for self-hosted systems.


I just implemented this and figured out, that updated_at is the timestamp when the base was updated, not any of the content in the base. Is that correct? I’ve got this base that gets updated every single day, still the timestamp of updated_at says it’s 113 days old.

Dear vqui,
you’re right. The value “updated_at” is not updated if the content of the base changes. Only if the base name or the color of the base changes. But that is definately not how it should be.

Give me some days to clarify how we could solve this.

One more information. the value “updated_at” of the base changes if:

  • the base name changes.
  • the colour or the icon of the base changes.
  • if something happens in a file or image column.

But other changes in the base does not update this value.

As I said, give me some time to clarify this.