Need help to duplicate a Make scenario from HTTP Request

Hey everyone,

I’m having a hard time solving an issue on Make/Integromat. I want to create a scenario that duplicates another scenario when ran, and since this is not a native option, I’m trying to do that by making an HTTP Request to Make.

Everything goes well when I try to GET information from a Scenario with the Request. Everything goes well when I try to create a Data Store (via POST) with the Request. But it doesn’t seem to work for duplicating scenarios.

The problem is that I can’t get the right format for property “blueprint” and property “scheduling”. Here is my JSON code for the body :

{ "teamId":"246450", "blueprint":"too_long_to_post" "scheduling": { "type": "immediately", "interval": 900 } }

And here is the Output :
Capture d’écran 2022-12-20 à 16.00.35

Even when I put the right blueprint code, I get the same error.

I really can’t get the hang of it after many tries. If someone has the solution for this please guide me :slight_smile:

Here is the API Documentation :
And here is a video (in french) of what it should look like, skip to 44:22 (but the dude doesn’t show the inside of the scenario) :