Is there a way to select a record from a table wihtin a Form so that people may complete missing data for the record ? Then it would show the data already collected as greyed-out and the some fields required, for the missing data.
For example if all required data for the record are collected at different times ?
I mean is there a work-around at least, if not then i would suggest it as an idea
As you need user to select existing records. This usage pattern belong to universal apps. In universal apps, you can use table page/single record page to display existing records to users and let user modify that record.
In version 5.2, you can also use search page to let user search and modify record.
Please give it a try and let me know if it does not meet your use case. If it is not, let me know the details why it cannot work.
Hi @PeFlam, Here is presented a workaround I use for a pretty similar purpose. However, I’m not sure that it’s really fitted for your case, as the URL will be different after each modification
Merci Benjamin, je crois que j’ai compris, c’est intéressant mais cela me semble complexe et j’ai pas envie de dupliquer mes tableaux juste pour récupérer quelques données.
Je vais essayer de trouver une solution avec l’appli ou un WebForm de Collection.
Hi again ! I’m going to continue our discussion in English to make sure that all non-French speakers can follow our discussions.
Another solution that I also use sometimes, but that requires both programming skills and hosting capacity, is to recreate a form by yourself to adapt the submission process. Here are two examples I can think of:
When user first submits the form, it will act like a classical form submission (new row creation). Then, to be able to access the data again, you can find a mechanism that fill your needs:
Storing the id of the new created row in the browser, cookie or local storage, if you’re sure that the user will use the same device for the other form submissions
Giving the user a unique URL for the next submissions, for example by passing the new row id in the form url (something like
For the next submissions, you’ll access the previously created row data using it’s id that you got back from one of the mechanisms above which will allow you to pre-fill the form (playing with the disabled attribute of HTML input node to decide whether each value is editable or not). Then, pressing on the submit button of your form will actually not act like a classical form submission, but rather as an existing row update.