Hello, me and my team installed Seatable a while ago and are using Community Edition version 1.1.0.
I can tell there’s been a lot to update as it seems we would like to be running on Developer Edition 2.7, I’ve followed the upgrade steps here https://github.com/seatable/seatable-admin-docs/blob/master/manual/upgrade/upgrade_manual.md
but the process errored out during the first DB migration. I was thinking it was because we are on Community Edition and not developer?
Is there any way to upgrade our Seatable system accordingly? I understand it may be tricky, but I thought I’d ask here to see. I can post screenshots and code of anything that may be of value for helping. Thank you! I greatly appreciate the help in advance
SeaTable Community Edition and SeaTable Developer Edition are the same product. We only changed the name. There is a direct upgrade path from SeaTable Community Edition to SeaTable Developer Edition. Just follow the instruction in the SeaTable Manual.
Please note, with a view to improving clarity, we have also renamed the name of the repository on Docker Hub. Up to (and including version 2.5), the repository was just ‘seatable’. Beginning with SeaTable DE 2.6, the repository is ‘seatable-developer’.
Thanks a bunch rdb!! I was confused until I read your comment and dug a bit deeper. I’ve upgraded successfully.
Greatly appreciate it!
I needed to change the docker-compose.yml to include the new docker repo for seatable-developer and upgrade the maria_db version. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!