Previous webform entries issue

Hello everyone,

I am currently using webforms on Seatable to fill out various forms, but I’ve encountered an issue where previous data still appears when I attempt to fill out a new form. This happens on both mobile and PC, even though the autofill feature has been disabled on my devices.

This is becoming quite frustrating…

Could you please advise on a solution?

Thank you for your help.

Sorry. Your description is not precise enough.

  • do you use the prefill option in your webforms?
  • what do you do after submission?
  • what do you mean with fill out a new form? How do you get there?

Hello, sorry for the misunderstanding.

I’ve built a simple web form to record the mileage of my vehicles.

I’m not using the prefill feature in my web forms.
After submitting the form, I’m refreshing the page to submit again.

The previous entries are showing up, which I don’t want.


Hi @Yestoplease, and welcome to the SeaTable forum !
You said you deactivated the autofill feature on your devices, but did you in the devices’ browsers or only in the OS settings ? I read indeed that Firefox for example autofills the forms (see here, ou ici en français comme je vois “kilométrage” sur la capture d’écran). I guess every modern browser behaves the same way, but maybe you don’t want to disable this autofill feature for every form you’ll have to fill in…

Anyway, there’s actually a special autocomplete tag for this purpose in HTML, but I don’t think this as been implemented yet in SeaTable, neither in the form’s nor in the fields’ settings (or at least I didn’t find it). You can eventually add a feature request for this on
