Print Dialog does not open

Hi - with Google Chrome, the “printing dialog” does not open.

If I press “print” the button turns “grey”, but the printing dialog does not open.
On the left bottom I can see “waiting for seatable…”

Used Chrome Version:
Version 99.0.4844.51 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)

With Firefox it works.

Any Ideas?

Greetings Nico

Are you using SeaTable Cloud or your own SeaTable server?

Which print button do you use? This one

or the native print function in Chrome?

Im using the cloud version and I use the button from your screenshot

I cannot reproduce your problem. Maybe somebody else can?

What does the browser console say?

django-pwa: ServiceWorker registration successful with scope:
2?path=/main.js&t=1642663020000:1 react-intl-universal locales data “null” not exists.
value @ ?path=/main.js&t=1642663020000:1
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
2DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE


  1. Page layout may be unexpected due to Quirks Mode

  2. One or more documents in this page is in Quirks Mode, which will render the affected document(s) with quirks incompatible with the current HTML and CSS specifications.

Quirks Mode exists mostly due to historical reasons. If this is not intentional, you can add or modify the DOCTYPE to be <!DOCTYPE html> to render the page in No Quirks Mode.

1. 1 element

  1. |Document in the DOM tree|Mode|URL|

| — | — | — |
|document|Quirks Mode||


  1. Audit usage of navigator.userAgent, navigator.appVersion, and navigator.platform

  2. A page or script is accessing at least one of navigator.userAgent, navigator.appVersion, and navigator.platform. Starting in Chrome 101, the amount of information available in the User Agent string will be reduced.

To fix this issue, replace the usage of navigator.userAgent, navigator.appVersion, and navigator.platform with feature detection, progressive enhancement, or migrate to navigator.userAgentData.

Note that for performance reasons, only the first access to one of the properties is shown.

1. 1 source

  1. commons.chunk.87a0b59608c0.js:1
    • Learn more: User-Agent String Reduction

I tried it with another Profile on Chrome, there it works - so I will try to disable some extensions
The “Issue” does not appear on the other profile

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