Questions regarding Big Data feature

Hey there,

I am a bit confused with the documentation about Big Date here and in general.

  • Normal Bases have a limit of 100.000 rows.
  • If I enable Big data, they can be unlimited rows.
  • But adding new rows per api or table, adds them into the “normal view/base”
  • However I can also see them in the “big data view” (just without the grey square)


  • Do I have to manually transfer the “normal” data to big data otherwise I hit the 100.000 rows limit again at one point?
  • And in my “big data view” I will see normal (limited) & archived (unlimited) elements, right?
  • Is there a (hidden) API to create the big data views? could only find this for normal views: Introduction
  • Is there a (hidden) API or automation to move the rows from “normal” to “archive/big data”

Best Dimitrios

Please find my answer below

  • Do I have to manually transfer the “normal” data to big data otherwise I hit the 100.000 rows limit again at one point?

Yes, you have to manually transfer the data at this moment. In version 3.5, you can set a rule to automatically transfer the data every time at specific hour.

  • And in my “big data view” I will see normal (limited) & archived (unlimited) elements, right?


  • Is there a (hidden) API to create the big data views? could only find this for normal views

The document for the API will be updated in version 3.4.

  • Is there a (hidden) API or automation to move the rows from “normal” to “archive/big data”

There is such an API, but with the automation rule, you don’t need such an API.

thanks for the quick response.

  • Is there a release date for 3.4. & 3.5.?
  • Is the current API publicly available, so I can write my own automation until the release?

best Dimitrios

3.4 will be released in February. 3.5 will be released in April.

Is the current API publicly available, so I can write my own automation until the release

The API will be available when 3.4 is released.

Alright thanks for the update!

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