🎉 Redesign of the Form-Editor is coming soon (with SeaTable 3.3)

Hey everybody,

I would like to give you a small preview of the upcoming SeaTable version 3.3 which is expected to be available by the end of November. One of the main focuses of 3.3 is the redesign of the formula editor. Here is a small foretaste of the new interface:

Now let’s jump into the details. The redesign of the form-editor in SeaTable will have multiple new features and usability improvements like:

  • The sequence of the input fields in the form is now independent of the sequence of the table columns.
  • Input fields can be placed via drag-and-drop.
  • The sequence of the input fields can be changed via drag-and-drop.
  • The sidebar will be dynamic to configure input fields (like in the page-design plugin).
  • Remarks/Comments/Help texts can now be placed anywhere.
  • Remarks/comments/Help texts get markdown support (including support for external links).
  • Horizontal lines can be added anywhere
  • New option to define and lock default values of input fields

I am sure you will love the new form editor.
I am in any case a big fan.
:tada: :partying_face: :clinking_glasses:


On mobile phone when we use a column that is “linked to other records” we can’t view all the columns of the records (As we can on pc, where we view all the columns of the record).

This creates a problem because it may need to view more columns to select the suitable record.

It would be important to have the option to choose to view more columns.

From my testing, you can slide right/left at the second line of the card for a linked record on mobile.

Hi, it looks good and I appreciate the greater flexibility it will offer. I notice from your preview that the help text is still grey and doesn’t stand out very well. I already wrote a post about this, about how users often ignored the text because it was “greyed out”. Hopefully, the update in 3.3 will be more distinct.

I am seriously looking for two columns layout in form builder.

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Unfortunately, two-column layout is not going to be part of the coming release.

We will take care that this is not the case… Thanks for your feedback.

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Good changes! Thanks!

Hi Ralf,

I am currently putting together a form in which the user is asked to fill in their ideas. I have opted for the “long text” option for the column. In the form on the user end, this is displayed as a grey box with the words “Edit text”. This could be confusing for the user as it doesn’t look like a form field. Also, to close the long text box after opening, the user simply needs to click away. This is an usual behaviour - the user would expect to click “save” or “close”. Perhaps add these two points to the list of improvements for the future?

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Please have a look at the webforms in SeaTable 3.5 which was releasd today. In SeaTable 3.5, you can specify the font color for help texts as well as font and background color for remarks.