Lässt sich folgende Anforderung mit Seatable Cleverness umsetzen? Ich brauche ein öffentlich zugängliches Anmeldeformular. Bei diesem kann man sich für 3 Themen anmelden. Jedes Thema hat jedoch eine Beschränkung auf die Anzahl Teilnehmer, dh nur die ersten x Teilnehmer sollen sich anmelden dürfen.
Bin gespannt, ob sich das mit Seatable umsetzen lässt.
First, a translation for all non-German-speaking people:
Can the following requirement be implemented with Seatable Cleverness? I need a publicly accessible registration form. With this form you can register for 3 topics. Each topic has a restriction on the number of participants, i.e. only the first x participants should be allowed to register. I am curious if this can be implemented with Seatable.
The answer is yes. Give some minutes to make some screenshots…
Thanks a lot for outlining a solution in detail and very fast on top. Sounds solid
Can I also display a notification on the form which topics are still available (or fully booked)? Otherwise I am concerned that simply not offering the topic will lead to more support requests even if it is technically a valid approach.
I am thinking along the lines of a conditional text field that is shown or hidden based on the count threshold or a “topic locked” status.
Dynamic notifications or “blocked” input forms are not possible right now.
But of course, you can add a static notification on top or even above every input field. Therefore, I would explain to the user why some selections are not available.