Registration form with capacity limit

Lässt sich folgende Anforderung mit Seatable Cleverness umsetzen? Ich brauche ein öffentlich zugängliches Anmeldeformular. Bei diesem kann man sich für 3 Themen anmelden. Jedes Thema hat jedoch eine Beschränkung auf die Anzahl Teilnehmer, dh nur die ersten x Teilnehmer sollen sich anmelden dürfen.

Bin gespannt, ob sich das mit Seatable umsetzen lässt.

First, a translation for all non-German-speaking people:

Can the following requirement be implemented with Seatable Cleverness? I need a publicly accessible registration form. With this form you can register for 3 topics. Each topic has a restriction on the number of participants, i.e. only the first x participants should be allowed to register.
I am curious if this can be implemented with Seatable.

The answer is yes. Give some minutes to make some screenshots…

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Here is how I would do that:

this is my super simple table for the registrations. The users just add their name and select a topic.

The magic comes from a link column which is limited to a view

To achieve the desired result, this view should show only the topic if there are less than 3 registrations.

Nothing easier than that. Just count the number of registrations and then add a filter

As soon as three persons selected the topic via webform the topic is hidden in this view and the next person cannot select this topic in the webform.

Does that solve your problem?

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Thanks a lot for outlining a solution in detail and very fast on top. Sounds solid :blush:
Can I also display a notification on the form which topics are still available (or fully booked)? Otherwise I am concerned that simply not offering the topic will lead to more support requests even if it is technically a valid approach.

I am thinking along the lines of a conditional text field that is shown or hidden based on the count threshold or a “topic locked” status.

PS: apologies for the original request in German

Dynamic notifications or “blocked” input forms are not possible right now.
But of course, you can add a static notification on top or even above every input field. Therefore, I would explain to the user why some selections are not available.

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