Sending bulk emails via default email client

Hi, new to using Seatable, have the free cloud version at the moment, testing out but having an issue finding a solution to this problem:
I have a list of contacts on one table with email addresses in one column and a second mailing list column assigned to each address to that different groups can be sent emails. E.G. Group A sent an email while other groups are not. I have tried a solution by having a second table and via linking have all the email addresses for Group A put in a single cell. What I need to do if find a way of getting those addresses to the BCC field in my email client. I guess it needs a script but I have no experience in writing scripts. Can anyone advise on the best method to achieve this? Thanks in advance

Do I understand you correct, that you want to create a link and when you click on that, it should open your mail programm, opening a new mail with to: and bcc:?

This would require such a link
<a href="">

It is possible to create such a link with SeaTable, but you can not store it anyway in SeaTable, that it becomes clickable.

Best regards

Thank you, yes that’s basically what I want to do. Currently I am set up with:

Table 1: Owners

Column A – Name (Text)

Column B – Email address (Email)

Column C – Group (Link to other records- linked to Table 2 Column A -Group ) I select the group relevant to the contact.

Table 2 : Email Group

Column A – Group (Single Select)

Column B – Email address (link to other records- linked to Table 1 Column B – Email address) – All email addresses in the group selected appear in a single cell.

Column C- Where I would like a button to carry out the action of selecting all the email addresses that appear from the Group selected in Table 1 Column C and then opening the default email client and placing these addresses all in the BCC column so that the email can then be composed and sent.

Column C is what I can’t configure.

You could try this,
creata a script:

const row = base.getRowById(base.context.currentTable, base.context.currentRow['_id']);
emailSub='Testing Email';

location.href = "mailto:"+emailTo+'?bcc='+emailBCC+'&subject='+emailSub;

Then add a button that triggers the script:

now when clicking the button:

my email client opens with the email addresses in the specified column:

Hope this helps to get you started.


Thanks, you a genius, this works just as I want it.

Many thanks, appreciate your help

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