Setting value to True or 1 automatically after sending Mail fails

Good morning.

I have a small problem as follows:

As you can see, there is a mail to be sent and once that happened, the Gesendet fields needs to be set to true.

Mail is working fine, but part two does not work. It used to for some time but it stopped.
I already tried to convert the checkbox into number field but to no avail.

Any clue someone?

Hello Gerald,

can you please tell me what is the trigger event for automation?

When did the second part of the automation stop working?

Unfortunately, I could not reproduce the issue during a test.

The automation checks every day at 12:00 for new Entries, which not yet have the “Gesended” flag. See here:

When did it stop? Hmm some weeks ago, around the 4.0 Update I guess. Just noticed when a Mailreceiver phoned me, that the same Mail comes every day at 12:00.

My company has an own server btw.

So you work with more than one automation?

I’m a little confused because for the event “Run periodically on records meet conditions” there are only the automatic actions “Send notification”, “Send mail” and “Lock record”.

“Modify record” does not work with the trigger “Run periodically on records meet conditions”.

This is an open feature request.

I doubt that your specific setup has ever worked. I guess you added the “modify record” action under a trigger that supports this action and then you modified the trigger to “Run periodically on …”

Yes, this must be the reason. I changed to periodically, when the receiving end asked me to collect and send all mails at once.
How… unfortunate.

Why is there at all a difference between the different trigger methods and their supported actions?

We strive to make the all relevant actions available under the various triggering events. The “Modify record” action is one we want to add (see above).

We’ll not support all actions in all event types though. Some action-event combinations represent a risk for system stability.

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