Shared view from a common data set

Hello all,

Does anyone know of a way to create a shared view from a linked data set?

My situation. I have a single base that contains all my shared data sets. This is then linked to multiple bases that contain collections. For instance one base contains items like dishes, one for jewelry, one for memorabilia, etc. These items are in separate bases because I need different information for each and some have special sub tables. However, they may share a company via a common data set. What I would to do is open a view of my common data set “companies” and see the items linked to each company in each of the bases that use that common data set.

I don’t think this is possible within the current system, but I figured I ask… If this is the wrong area please let me know. I’m also not opposed to scripted solutions or custom coded solutions is need be.

I’m on a self-hosted system

As far as I understand your request, this is currently not supported. No information “flows” back from the imported table to the source table. Common datasets are unidirectional only.

The only solution I see is the export of the relevant information into a third base - for each of your collection tables. A script can do that for you.

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