SeaTable Edition (Developer or Enterprise): Enterprise
SeaTable Version (only necessary for self-hosted): Latest
Is anyone able to provide a simple step-by-step guide to installing SeaTable on a Synology NAS running Docker?
I’m a relatively competent IT guy, but Docker is fairly new to me and for other apps I’ve been able to rely on guides on the internet, but I’m struggling to find a straightforward one for SeaTable. I have Portainer installed if that makes any difference.
I’m really keen to give SeaTable a go for a volunteer project I’m supporting, but really need some help
Dear @ingallberry,
Please rethink your decision. If you are not familiar with Docker, you should not try to host your own SeaTable Server on a non-supported platform.
Get yourself a small VM from Hetzner (around 4 € per month) and it will be super easy to install your own SeaTable server just by following the manual.
Otherwise, just use SeaTable Cloud and you don’t have to care about your environment at all.
This should not sound rude or impolite, but is my expression of hours of answering support requests at this forum.
The issue is that I don’t want the data in the cloud. I take the point on Docker expertise, so I’ll either track down someone with the relevant skills to help me or look at a local VM or server to run it on (where I do have the required skills).