Speicherung im Gang

Using the Cloud version.

I created an app for a colleague. During the editing of datasets, she gets the response “Speicherung im Gang” and then the whole app freezes. It is only this one app for this one colleague, that does this. This app, is just a very basic spreadsheet, with only one periodic automation. Any idea what may cause the issue?

Based on the provided information, any answer is pure speculation.

Please provide additional information:
1.) What kind of edits does the user do? (A screenshot from the app would be helpful.)
2.) Can the problem be reproduced in a different browser/on another computer?
3.) What’s the relationship between the automation and the app? (Automations run in the base.) Does the app freeze when the automation runs or are the freezes independent from the automation runs?

We deleted the cache of the browser. Now it seems to work.

It was only one user how had the issue, therefore the issue seems to be solved.

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