Sum of the results of the if function in last row 2

Karlheinz wrote this problem is solved in 2.3.3:

Sum of the results of the if function in last row

unfortunately this does not work for me yet.
where is the mistake?

Greetings Thomas

Hi there!

the screenshot provided by Karlheinz in the linked post shows that the problem has been solved.

Why does it not work for you? Hard to tell, but you don’t provide a lot of information:

  • Are you on or are you a self-hoster?
  • If self-hoster, have you updated and if updated yes, did the update go through well? (Did you update the database?)
  • If on, have you tried in a new table? Maybe there is a problem in the one table you are looking at.

Hi rdb.
I´m on
There is still no sum calculated in the last line.
now i tried a new table there is it the same.
My formula is

ifs({alter}>24, 1, {alter}>6, 0.6 ,{alter}>0, 0.3)

Greetings Thomas

I see the problem:

SeaTable does not calculate column aggregates for formula columns which use formula columns as input.

Noted. We’ll work on it.

Okay i understand the problem,
but i tried it before in a new table with a number field and it doesn’t work either.

Your formula results are interpreted as strings. The cell content is left aligned. In my screenshot, the value is a number (right aligned). For strings, no aggregate values can be calculated.

Can you try using comma instead of dot in your formula.

Now i tried tu use comma in the formulas.
With this formula the wrong format remains, i think the “quotes” format the result as string:

ifs({alter}>24, “1”, {alter}>6, “0,6” ,{alter}>0, “0,3”)

With this formula i get wrong results,
there is probably a problem here, because the parts of the formula are separated by commas:

ifs({alter}>24, 1, {alter}>6, 0,6 ,{alter}>0, 0,3)

that’s why i used a dot instead of a comma

You should use ifs({alter}>24, 1, {alter}>6, 0.6, {alter}>0, 0.3) .

The result type is calculated by the first row at the time when you submit the formula. It is likely it was detected wrong because you had no data in the table when you created the formula column.

Try to modify the formula and click submit. The result type will be re-detected based on the first row.

yes that is the trick.
When I inserted the formula there was no entry in the {alter} column.
so the only problem that remains is the one that rdb has identified:

SeaTable does not calculate column aggregates for formula columns which use formula columns as input

Thanks daniel

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