Following https://forum2.seatable.io/t/third-party-mail-from/1834, @rdb you mentionned than
A reply-to parameter was added in SeaTable 3.3 to the “Third-party account” dialog.
For SES or other third mail services, “reply-to” is different/complementary than “from”.
For SES we still have the same issue else if we provided the “reply-to” because the sender is not verified/authentificated.
Is that possible to add an “from” like what we have on the system notification ?
We have updated to 3.3.7
[2022-12-26 14:06:01,370] __init__.py[line:577] [WARNING] Email sending failed. email: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, error: (501, b'Invalid MAIL FROM address provided', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')
Thanks and have Happy New Year’s Eve