Track missing invoice numbers


I’ve got following problem:
Zapier pushed the invoicesnumber in realtime to column A.
The invoice-number is e.g.: EC-1002, EC-1003, EC-1004 an so on.

However from time to time some invoice numbers are missing. Is there a way to recognize or highlite the missing number?

e.g. 1004 is missing here.

2023-04-02 um 22-46-32

There is no “direct” solution, but a workaround.

This is what you can do:

  • Create a formula column and convert the invoice number into a string (i.e. EC-1001 → 1001)
  • Create a second new column and use the data processing operation to calculate the delta between two consecutive rows.
  • Add conditional formatting to the second column and highlight all cells where value > 1

Important: This only works if the table is sorted by the invoice number.

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