Trigger the formula calculation before the end of script

Your Setup:

  • SeaTable Edition Enterprise

Describe the Problem/Error/Question:

My Python script is using the result of a column formula (linked to an other table).
When I run the script via the button, the calculation of the formula is not taken into account. Indeed, the column formula result is ok only when the python script is complete, not before.

Script is creating new rows
Formula is to define a name of the row which is combination of autonumber and link to an other table. (we want an incremental number which is zeroed every first of January, so I have a table with the year and number of row)

Question is : how can I push the column to calculate before the end of the script ?
I tried with no success :slight_smile:

  • to split the script in 2 and have the button call the 2 scripts
  • to make sure the linked column used in the formula is ‘linked early enough in the script’

Any idea ?

I have a similar problem and do the following:

  1. create new data record (empty) (base.append_row)

  2. read in the data record again (base.get_row)
    The formal fields should be calculated

  3. save the data set with the desired changes (base.update_row)

Maybe that will help

Thanks Max : this was the tip I was missing, in my case, I have just added an additonal base.get_row.

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